Influences, Chapter I.

It’s crazy how much tattooing and art is available these days. I’m not old (33) but even when I got into tattooing, instagram wasn’t around. Word of mouth, ads, websites, going to shops to look at portfolios, were all standard.

I remember seeing people crushed with bold traditional tattoos and it looked so cool to me, but lord knows I didn’t look in the right places when I first started getting tattooed.

I definitely filled up my body with some shit before I got good tattoos, but I guess that’s part of the fun of the journey, and sort of what got me into wanting to be a tattooer. To do the tattoos I thought would be cool, make all the tattoos I wanted to get, but on other people. So basically, I’m living vicariously through my clients.

Anyways, I thought I’d share some current tattooers I really like, because none of those Trad Tat IG pages will ever ask me to do a takeover, so if you’re reading this and interested, you probably already follow these tattooers, but here’s some people I always look up to or just rip off:

*I’d like to do these regularly, so I won’t include every tattooer in this first edition.

Tommy Chambers @digitalmijo

I have been tattooed by Tomas a few times, long before I tattooed, and he’s been my favorite for a while and probably always will. He is fucking crazy and I love him. Truly someone with a gift, what he does can’t be bought or forged through ripping people off online. I know a Digital Mijo tat when I see one, and i am jealous of his skills and the person with the tattoo.

Jess Swaffer @jess_swaffer

Ok Jess technically doesn’t tattoo anymore but she really shaped my career more than she knows. How the fuck did she do it?? I got tattooed by her a few months before ZouZou was born and she retired. It’s my favorite tattoo, I never see it, but I love it. She is so cool, and tattoos like a madman. Many people have ripped her style, but I think her tattoos are unmatched.

Antonio Roque @antonioroque

Oh, Antonio, what a long, strange journey it’s been. I tattooed Antonio on his second to last day at SHTC. He first started tattooing me almost a decade ago and has definitely been a big influence on my career, art-wise and character-wise. He is very focused and doesn’t have an ego. Hard to find these days. He can make anything look like a cool tattoo, even shit I would never agree to tattoo. He is a really nice person and he wears a flannel everyday. They don’t make em like that anymore!

Jason Ochoa @jason__ochoa

I got tattooed by Jason back in Arizona (where I mostly grew up) before he dropped the “Cousin” moniker and moved to NYC. He was very kind back then, then he moved to Brooklyn and it all went downhill. No, he is seriously the best. Everyone loves him, most NY tattooers wish they were him, and he loves everyone in return. He definitely pulls off some crazy tricks most don’t notice and that’s what sets him apart from other NY Giants who kind of just fart out the same 12 designs and never evolve. I know my style is way different from him, but I look at everything he does to try and steal some tricks regularly.

Alena Chun @alenachun

I tattooed Alena during my first year of tattooing and I feel really bad that she didn’t wait longer! Only kidding, but she has a great collection of tattoos and makes even better ones. I know I’m still a young tattooer so I have no room to talk, but I’ve enjoyed watching her work evolve over the years and she has really been on a tear the last few ones! She makes nice looking tattoos and is very kind.

Vince Pages @vince_pages

I’ve never met Vince but he bought some paintings from me when I was an apprentice and that’s some crazy shit. His tattoos are so solid, I think most Europeans tattoo like him, but can’t really replicate his drawing ability. So timeless, so clean. He makes the right choices.

Kpham @kphamtattoo

I haven’t met Kpham but I love her tattoos. Very different from what I do, but it’s great stuff. Lots of people doing that style now, but lots of people missing that charm she has. I definitely peek and zoom in often to try and learn a thing or two. I have a client who has a few from Kpham and every time I see her tattoos I’m just like “god damnit.”

RCT @ryancooperthompson

Ah, Ryan. He makes anything look like old flash. Always evolving, always thinking ahead. He is very quiet, and I like that. Whenever we visit/work together, you know were eating the best vegan food. He is a very special tattooer, it’s not polished because it’s not supposed to be, and that’s such an amazing skill not many can pull off. I know everyone loves his work and rips it off, and it’s no surprise he’s on my list, but jesus, I hate my work after looking at his tattoos.

Well, that will be it for now. When I started this list I was like “Oh shit, there’s like dozens of tattooers I REALLY like and wish I could tattoo like,” but I will just make this a regular blog post and say nice things about people monthly…if anyone reads.


Website vs. Instagram


First Entry